What your 2 & 3 year old will learn over their time with us


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Communication and Language Development

Listening, Attention and Understanding

Understand  simple words and point to objects



Listening, Attention and Understanding

Use single words alongside gesture to communicate.



Listening, Attention and Understanding

Understand simple instructions.




Listening, Attention and Understanding

Stay focused on activity of interest for short periods



Listening, Attention and Understanding

Engage in activity in a small group



Listening, Attention and Understanding

Show an interest in stories and books and

listen to a simple story





Children will know and use vocabulary linked to the themes ‘This is Me’ and ‘Autumn’ including:

Me, mummy, daddy, house, leaves, tree, hot, cold



Children will know and use vocabulary linked to the themes ‘All about colours’ and ‘Winter Wonderland’ including:

(name colours), snow, cold, Christmas



Children will know and use vocabulary linked to the themes ‘Around the World’ and ‘On the move’ including:

Car, train, aeroplane, water, sky, stop, go



Children will know and use vocabulary linked to the themes ‘Step into Spring’ and ‘Easter’ including: Rabbit, egg, cook, flower, pretty




Children will know and use the vocabulary linked to the themes ‘Mini beasts’ and ‘Lifecycles’:

Bug, butterfly, caterpillar, ladybird, outside, field



Children will know and use vocabulary linked to the themes ‘By the Sea’ and ‘summer fun’:

Sea, water, sandcastle, hat, holiday, sand

Observational Checkpoint

Can the child understand many more words than they can say – between 200–500 words? Can the child understand simple questions and instructions like: “Where’s your hat?” or “What’s the boy in the picture doing?” Can the child show that they understand action words by pointing to the right picture in a book. For example: “Who’s jumping?

Personal, social and emotional development


Children will be confident to come to preschool.




Children will become confident to enter preschool without main carer.



Children will feel eager to explore and try out activities in their environment.



Children will express emotions freely






Children will seek familiar adult to help manage their emotions.



Children will show confidence in exploring the preschool room and school.

Managing self

Children will learn new routines in the rom


Children will know where their bag and coat belong


Managing self

Children will understand some boundaries


Children will know where their water bottle is kept and can access independently

Managing self

Children will understand ‘tidy up time’ and join in


Children will know they sit at the table for snack


Managing self

Children will learn the routine of washing hands before snack


Children will help to wash the fruit and vegetables

Managing self

Children will learn how to wash and dry their hands


Children will engage in changing routines when toileting or at nappy change

Managing self

Children will learn the names of a variety of foods


Children will indicate when they need to be changed or use the toilet

Building relationships

Children will play independently on their own

Building relationships

Children will show interest in others play and activities

Building relationships

Children will be able to draw others into their play through gesture

Building relationships

Children will be able to join I with a small group play activity

Building relationships

Children will engage in sharing activities supported by adults

Building relationships

Children will show kind hands towards others during play

Observational Checkpoint

Is the toddler increasingly curious about their world and wanting to explore it and be noticed by you? Does the child start to see themselves as a separate person? For example, do they decide what to play with, what to eat, what to wear? Does the child start to enjoy the company of other children and want to play with them?

Physical Development

Gross motor

Children will know how ride on a sit on toy car/trike


Gross motor

Children will be able to move around objects on the sit on toys


Gross motor

Children will explore the walk over bridge and balance on large stepping stones

Gross motor

Children will explore different ways to use a ball


Gross motor

Children will move their bodies freely in various spaces


Gross motor

Children will be able to run steadily and safely



Fine motor

Children will explore a variety of different materials


Fine motor

Children will engage in finger painting

Fine motor

Children will engage in sensory play

Fine motor

Children will be able to build small towers using blocks


Fine motor

Children will be able to complete a simple peg puzzle


Fine motor

Children will explore different mark making tools and use them appropriately

Observational Checkpoint

Around their second birthday, can the toddler run well, kick a ball, and jump with both feet off the ground at the same time? Around their third birthday, can the child climb confidently, catch a large ball and pedal a tricycle?



Listen to a variety of songs and rhymes and stories and hear a wide variety of different vocabulary.


Join in with actions from songs and rhymes


Children will explore a variety of books and stories and hear a wide variety of different vocabulary.


Sing and hum along to a variety of songs and rhymes


Children will explore a variety of books and stories and hear a wide variety of different vocabulary.


Children will choose a song from the rhyme visual board


Children will explore a variety of books and stories and hear a wide variety of different vocabulary.


Children will say some words clearly from their favourite songs


Children will explore a variety of books and stories and hear a wide variety of different vocabulary.


Children will know how to request a song using words


Children will explore a variety of books and stories and hear a wide variety of different vocabulary.

Word reading

Children will explore a variety of books and enjoys sharing stories with adults


Word reading

Children will explore a variety of books and enjoys sharing stories with adults


Word reading

Children will explore a variety of books and enjoys sharing stories with adults


Word reading

Children will explore a variety of books and enjoys sharing stories with adults


Word reading

Children will explore a variety of books and enjoys sharing stories with adults


Word reading

Children will explore a variety of books and enjoys sharing stories with adults


Children will join in with clapping games



Children will explore mark making


Children will mark make freely


Children will add marks to drawings to add meanings


Children will explore mark making in sand


Children will explore mark making with paint


Children will explore mark making with water

Observational Checkpoint

Can children pay attention to simple songs and rhymes? Can they join in using their fingers and other body movements? Do they sing familiar songs as they play? Can they hold attention for a short story and show interest in the images? Can children point at signs around them?



Children will fill and empty containers


Children will stack blocks when building



Children will connect bricks or track together



Children will join in with number rhymes



Children will say some number names in play



Children will count from 1-3


Numerical patterns

Children will explore the busy boards, bead frames and shape sorters.

Numerical patterns

Children will help to complete a floor puzzle


Numerical patterns

Children will match objects according to their type (sheep, horses, etc)


Numerical patterns

Children will explore objects of different sizes


Numerical patterns

Children will explore the concept of ‘more’


Numerical patterns

Engage in activities that explore different shapes


Observational Checkpoint


Can children join in with number rhymes? Can they experiment with objects that fit together? Do they experiment with fitting themselves and toys into different spaces? Do they arrange resources into groups? Can they use some number names in their play?


Understanding the World

People, cultures and communities

Children will know their name and recognise themselves in a photo

People, cultures and communities

Children will join in with activities to celebrate Diwali and Christmas

People, cultures and communities

Children will know we can travel in a car/train or aeroplane


People, cultures and communities

Children will engage in activities about Easter


People, cultures and communities

Children will look at a variety of flags and create their own


People, cultures and communities

Children will know they are an individual and have their own identity


Past and present

Children will join in with activities about Autumn

Past and present

Children will engage in activities that represent fireworks

Past and present

Children will learn about the moon

Past and present

Children will join in with activities about Spring

Past and present

Children will find out dragons and Knights


Past and present

Children will understand that they will move up to Preschool


The Natural World

Children will engage in activities that celebrate Harvest Festival

The Natural World

Children will explore the changes in weather knowing its getting cold

The Natural World

Children will learn how to mix ingredients together to make a cake or biscuit

The Natural World

Children will collect materials from their environment to explore


The Natural World

Children will plant a variety of seeds to grow


Children will learn the names of different insects

The Natural World

Children will explore ice  and water play

Observational Checkpoint

Do children show curiosity about different materials? Do children explore both indoor and outdoor spaces? Will they repeat an action to see the effect? For example, rolling a ball down a ramp. Do children show they are aware of their family and notice any differences? Are children noticing changes in weather while playing?

Expressive Arts and Design

Being imaginative

Children will join in with singing and dancing activities


Children will explore how they can move their body

Being imaginative

Children will join in with singing and dancing activities


Children will explore a variety of instruments

Being imaginative

Children will join in with singing and dancing activities


Children will act out everyday actions and simple scenarios

Being imaginative

Children will join in with singing and dancing activities


Children will engage in simple role play with various objects

Being imaginative

Children will join in with singing and dancing activities


Children will make sounds to represent objects and animals in the play

Being imaginative

Children will join in with singing and dancing activities


Children will follow actions when using instruments or games

Creating with materials

Children will build different at materials


Creating with materials

Children will explore play dough and other sensory play

Creating with materials

Children will use different brushes and tools to paint with

Creating with materials

Children will make a model using recycled items


Creating with materials

Children will create a collage using various materials

Creating with materials

Children will explore different mark making tools and surfaces


Observational Checkpoint

Can children respond to music playing? Can they move their bodies freely and with confidence? Are they able to join in with songs and use instruments to make sounds? Can the children explore a wide variety of mark making and art resources? Are children beginning to engage in simple role play and imaginative play?