Manager's Blog 14th June

Another week has flown by and this week the children have all been busy continuing their learning all about the ocean. The children have explored the different animals that live in the ocean through various activities including under the sea tuff trays, making jellyfish and octopi at the art tables, summer and ocean themed play doughs, ocean yoga sessions, water trays with sea creatures and glitter, and so much more! 

Although the weather is rather unusual at the moment, we have been encouraging the children to be outside much more and this has allowed us to adapt our routines as needed to accommodate more outdoor play. Please do continue to provide all weather clothing and footwear as we just cannot predict the weather at the moment! Let's hope the sun makes an appearance soon!

Thank you to all that made it to our Father's day/summer play and stay, it was a lovely afternoon and we were so pleased to have so many parents join us. This is the last of our play and stay sessions for the term, except for the school readiness ones planned for the children going to school. These are open to all families of children going onto to Primary school this September, regardless of which school your child will attend. Please do let me know which session you wish to attend so I can make appropriate plans (reminders of dates are below).


  • SNACK - Thank you for the kind donations of snack over the past two weeks. If you are able to donate any more snacks over the coming weeks we greatly appreciate this support, just hand them over to the team at drop off.
  • LABELLING - We are noticing many water bottles and clothing items are still not being labelled. Please do add your child's name to these items to help us maintain health and hygiene and to avoid confusion.

Dates for the diary:

  • Saturday 15th June - Melbourn family fun day
  • Wednesday 19th June - Hawaiian day at preschool (see attached poster)
  • Tuesday 25th June, Thursday 27th June, Wednesday 3rd July - school readiness play and stay 230-3pm 
  • Friday 12th July - Preschool Graduation