Manager's Blog 28th June

We had our final week of learning all about the ocean and the creatures that live in the sea. We have continued to create beautiful collages at the art tables, ocean themed doughs and sensory tuff trays, sea creature dancing and yoga, bingo games, water and ice exploring and much more. 

Next week we will be starting our last learning focus of the year, 'Summer fun!' We will be exploring activities, games and resources which support the children to investigate and learn about picnics, summer safety, seaside's and camping.

As we have only three more weeks left, we will also be using more spontaneous planning, relaxing our day to day routines and enjoying our last few summer weeks, especially in the Butterfly room. There may be some last minute plans for special days over the next coming weeks but I will keep you informed with as much notice as possible.


  • LABELLING - we still have many drinks bottles coming in un-named, please take a moment to add a label or write a name on them as it does cause unnecessary confusion. 
  • SUN HATS - please make sure you have a sun hat every day for your child as we will go out in all weathers and even with cloud cover those pesky sun rays break through!
  • HOME TOYS - as we are nearing the end of term, we will be putting lost property out weekly to be claimed. This includes toys from home which we appreciate your support in keeping at home as much as possible.

Dates for the diary:

  • Saturday 29th June - Meldreth Church Fete (1130am-330pm)
  • Wednesday 3rd July - School readiness play and stay session (230pm-3pm)
  • Friday 12th July - Preschool Graduation (see poster attached)

Preschool Graduation

We are excited to invite you to the Preschool Graduation on Friday 12th July from 130pm. Weather permitting, this will be held in the school house garden. This is a chance to wish our graduates well as they prepare to go up to big school in September and also a chance to have a play and enjoy some treats. This event is for families of children who are going to school in September only (although other children already booked in for Friday PM session will be watching). If your graduate does not attend a Friday PM session, you can bring them in for 130pm and they will join the group while you watch. Please let me know if you plan on doing this. We will be having some treats after the ceremony and welcome any donations for the snack table in support of this (biscuits, cakes, fruits...)