Medication in Preschool

Most pupils will at some time have a medical condition that may affect their participation in Preschool activities and for many this will be short-term. Other pupils have medical conditions that, if not properly managed, could limit their access to education. Most children with medical needs are able to attend Preschool regularly and, with some support, can take part in most normal activities. We are committed to ensuring that children with medical needs have the same right of access as other children.

There is no legal duty that requires staff to administer medication, this is a voluntary role. The ‘duty of care’ extends to administering medication in exceptional circumstances, and therefore it is for settings to decide their local policy for the administration of medication.

The Role of Parents/Carers
Parents/carers should, wherever possible, administer or supervise the self-administration of medication to their children. This may be by spacing the doses so that they are not required within Preschool hours, or by the parent/carer coming in to Preschool at lunch time to administer the medication. However, this might not be practicable and in such a case parents/carer may make a request for medication to be administered to the child at Preschool.
If medicine needs to be administered during Preschool time, then a parent or carer must bring it to the school office and fill in the Parental Consent to Administer Medicine form. Medication must not be given to Preschool staff. If medication is for a short term condition, any remaining medication must be collected from the office by a parent or carer at the end of the school day.
Non-Prescription Medication
Where possible, the Preschool will avoid administering non-prescription medicine.  
Prescription Medication
Prescription medicines should be administered at home wherever possible, for example medicines that need to be taken 3 times a day can usually be taken before Preschool, after Preschool and at bed time. Parents are encouraged to ask the GP to whether this is possible. Prescription medicines will only be administered by Preschool where it would be detrimental to a child’s health if it were not done.
Medicines should always be provided in the original container as dispensed by a pharmacist and include the prescriber’s instructions for administration.  Preschool should never accept medicines that have been taken out of the container nor make changes to dosages on parental instruction.
Prescribed long - term medication, will be kept in a cupboard in your child's room in a clearly labelled box containing our medication protocol. A second Epi-pen or inhaler for each child who requires it, should be provided to keep at Preschool in addition to one at home.
Administering Medicines

When a member of staff administers medicine, they will check the child’s Administration of Medication Permission and Record form against the medication, to ensure that the dose and timing are correct. They will then administer the medicine as required, and record this. For long-term medication, a Parental Consent to Administer Medicine form will be used as necessary.

Emergency Inhalers

In line with “Guidance on the use of emergency salbutamol inhalers in schools” March 2015, Preschool will keep emergency reliever (blue) inhalers for the emergency use of children whose own inhaler is not available for any reason. They are stored in the main school office, along with appropriate spacers.

Use of Medical Care Plans
Medical Care Plans are used to: inform the appropriate staff about the individual needs of a child with a medical condition in their care and to identify common or important individual triggers.