Wren Class Learning


What we have been learning in Year 2...

Here you will find photos and videos of our fantastic learning and children's thoughts shared throughout the year. You will also have access to support materials for our topics.

We hope you will enjoy seeing us aspire...enjoy... achieve.

Autumn Term
Week 3
16th - 20th September
It has been lovely to see the children becoming more confident in their classroom this week. We have been busy tackling story writing and further exploring Man on the Moon. In art, the children had a fantastic discussion about whether street art is in fact art or vandalism. We then looked at Banksy and did our own stencil graffiti. 
On Thursday, Wren Class were very excited for an afternoon of percussion organised by Miss McGinty and Mr Chapman. I hear it was very engaging and loud!
Our spellings this week have continued to focus on recapping long vowel sounds and adding suffixes. Please continue to encourage your child to practise their spellings at home.
Children have taken home the QR code for our recommended read Sunshine at Bedtime. If your child does listen, please log this on BoomReader. All YouTube links checked at time of printing but please review before allowing your child to watch.
Week 2
9th - 13th September
Wren Class are settling in to Year 2 routines and have made a great start to their space topic.
The children have been very busy this week! We have learnt about the 8 planets of our solar system and looked at the world using Google Earth. We painted our own globes and marked on the UK. In art, the children looked at different types of street art and graffitied a bus to brighten up Bob's (Man on the Moon) town. 
In English, the children looked at expanded noun phrases and commas in a list. They then applied this learning to create character descriptions. Next week, we will be using our descriptive skills to rewrite our class story.
During maths, we have been looking at the place value of two-digit numbers and the children have been working hard to identify how many tens or ones is in a number.
Please remember to continue to log reading on BoomReader.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Week 1
4th - 6th September
It has been such a wonderful first week back to school and we have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know our new class of superstars!
This week, we have started our new topic Look Up! and the children asked Bob (the man on the moon) some questions to get to know him. We have started our place value work writing numbers in both numerals and words. In science, we asked the children what a scientist looked like and then discussed their work. Mrs Hardwick was very impressed with code written by the children on Thursday and I hope they are feeling very proud of the work they have completed this week.
Year 6 joined us before assembly on Friday to finish up the week with some buddy reading. We look forward to many more Fridays spent exploring our favourite stories with friends.