Meldreth Primary School is committed to exemplary teaching and learning.
It is our aim to encourage and support all members of the school community to succeed in and value learning. The success of our mission is focused around our vision to deliver outstanding educational provision so that our children become…
- responsible, independent individuals who have the knowledge and attitudes to contribute to and be successful in an ever-changing world
- creative, imaginative thinkers and risk takers who enjoy challenge and love solving problems
- respectful and resilient learners
Enjoy - we believe that everyone deserves to be treated with care and compassion
Achieve - we believe that we all achieve more when we work together as a team
Our assemblies are very important times of the day for coming together, reflecting on our lives and learning about the world around us.
Monday morning assemblies are extra special times when we often think about values, inspirational people, different religions and charity work. We have lots of visitors and speakers to these assemblies and sometimes our pupil leaders present our assemblies.
When we reflect on our learning during these assemblies and afterwards, we are thinking about how we can learn from others to respect the world and to help to make it a better place.
Our assemblies regularly include:
- Learning about the beliefs, backgrounds, practices and/or celebrations of different religions and/or cultures
- Exploring half termly values such as respect, honesty, courage, compassion, equality
- The work of charities including Children In Need, NSPCC
- Celebrating national and international focus days or weeks such as World Peace Day, Anti Bullying Week, Book Week