Our Curriculum Design

Our school is unique: not only do we strive to be a brilliant centre of learning for your child, we also thrive on opportunities to be research-engaged in order that our staff have the best learning opportunities for themelves.

At Meldreth Primary School, we believe that an ambitious, exciting curriculum is the key to transforming children’s lives and developing them into lifelong learners.  Fostering children’s curiosity will give them a desire to learn that both enriches them and equips them with the skills, values, and attitudes needed to find their place in modern Britain and the wider world. 

Our curriculum has been designed with great care by our teachers collectively in order that there are opportunities to acquire deep and meaningful knowledge and explore a broad range of skills to apply this knowledge, thus preparing children for life beyond school.

Children’s learning is driven by high expectations so that they can succeed academically.  However, the curriculum is also our most important tool in developing children more broadly, supporting their creative and sporting aspirations and enabling children to grow up spiritually in the context of our culture.  We help children to build a moral foundation through the explicit teaching of values that are compatible with modern British values, in order that they develop qualities such as respect, compassion, tolerance and forgiveness. 

We follow 'Success for All' phonics scheme to teach Phonics and early reading. 

Possibilities - Children cannot aspire to things they have never encountered. We will work to broaden our children’s horizons, expanding their knowledge of the world of the work by nurturing their interests as well as encouraging fearlessness of what is new or unknown.

Real Experiences - We believe that children learn by doing, so we take them on lots of educational visits, invite speakers into school, bring in artefacts and interesting objects, use our local and extended environment to spark learning.

Initiative - It is vital that we nurture the natural curiosity of our children, enabling them to become independent in thought and action and encouraging them to imagine, enquire and become increasingly enterprising.

Adventure - We are passionate about the physical development of our children. We believe competition and sportsmanship develop confidence. We want our children to know there is more to life than the virtual, digital world and will allow them to manage real risks by having fun and a little danger!

Community- Meldreth is a wonderful place to come to school and learn; we want children to be aware that they are a central part of a small community and have a role to play in that community. They are also part of a bigger national and international community. We have links with the local church, many people and groups in the village and also with the wider world.

We aim:

  • To encourage each individual child to develop to their full potential socially, intellectually, physically, spiritually and emotionally, in a secure and happy environment.
  • For all children, in all identified groups, to have high levels of understanding in a wide range of subjects across the curriculum.
  • To deliver a broad, balanced curriculum where varied learning experiences enable children to become independent, confident and responsible learners.
  • To have respect for religious and moral values, encouraging self-discipline and a caring responsible attitude towards others.
  • To develop high quality literacy, numeracy and communication (oracy) skills.
  • To acquire knowledge, skills and practical abilities relevant to adult life in a fast changing world.
  • To introduce children to the world about them, through scientific enquiry, and to help them towards an understanding of the interdependence of people, both today and in the past.
  • To help children become aware of the community around them and encourage ways in which they can begin to share in it.
We believe that educational visits are an integral part of the curriculum and learning experience for every child. Appropriately planned visits and visitors, as well as theme days, enhance and enrich our curriculum.
Recently our pupils visited Meldreth Christmas Tree festival, Duxford IWM, Hatfield House,  Meldreth streets, Cambridge Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Mandi, London Science Museum, The Scott Polar Exhibition, West Stow Anglo-Saxon Village, the Fitzwilliam Museum, The University of Cambridge Botanical Garden, Wandlebury Country Park.
These opportunities, embedded within our curriculum, support learning and improve attainment for our pupils. They form a key part of what makes Meldreth Primary School a supportive, effective and exciting learning environment.
What is the potential impact of our curriculum on pupils?
By the end of their time with us, children will be confident within each academic discipline because they will have developed knowledge, skills and understanding within a coherent structure of recurring ‘Big Ideas’. They will have been exposed to subject-specific technical vocabulary at key times in a planned, coherent and organised way. Explicit teaching and repetition of key vocabulary and concepts will provide a structure for future learning, ensuring that pupils are ready for learning in the next stage of their education. This confidence will extend across a broad range of subjects, allowing for flexible learning in the future. Pupils will develop curiosity and a desire to acquire knowledge and experience the world around them, understanding that learning enriches their lives beyond the classroom.

The content of the curriculum that the school follows in each academic year and for each subject can be downloaded from each curriculum subject area page.  For more evidence of our high quality learning please look at our class pages.  Our curriculum fulfils our duties in the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014. Parents and prospective parents are welcome to contact the Headteacher to discuss any aspect of the school's curriculum.