What your 3 & 4 year old will learn over their time with us


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Communication and Language Development

Listening, Attention and Understanding

Children will point out a pictures or objects in a story.

Listening, Attention and Understanding

Children will understand ‘what’ questions.

Listening, Attention and Understanding

Children will engage in stories with props


Listening, Attention and Understanding

Children will understand ‘when’ and ‘where’ questions.

Listening, Attention and Understanding

Children will engage in a story read aloud


Listening, Attention and Understanding

Children will understand ‘who’ and

‘why’ questions.



Children will know and retell the topic book story.


Children will know and use vocabulary linked to the themes ‘This is Me’ and ‘Autumn’ including:

Myself, unique, family, home, friends, Autumn, leaves, conkers, hedgehog.


Children will know and retell the topic book story.


Children will know and use vocabulary linked to the themes ‘All about colours’ and ‘Winter Wonderland’ including:

Rainbow, change, mix, Winter, Christmas, cold, celebrate, decorate.


Children will know and retell the topic book story


Children will know and use vocabulary linked to the themes ‘Around the World’ and ‘On the move’ including:

Travel, air, water, land, country, transport, move, fast, slow.


Children will know and retell the topic book story


Children will know and use vocabulary linked to the themes ‘Step into Spring’ and ‘Easter’ including: Spring, flower, blossom, grow, Easter, egg, hunt, bake.



Children will know and retell the topic book story


Children will know and use the vocabulary linked to the themes ‘Mini beasts’ and ‘Lifecycles’:

Insect, habitat, garden, small, lifecycle, animals, growing.


Children will know and retell the topic book story


Children will know and use vocabulary linked to the themes ‘By the Sea’ and ‘summer fun’:

Ocean, waves, holiday, seaside, beach, camping, party.

Observational Checkpoint

Can the child shift from one task to another if you fully obtain their attention? Can the child using sentences of four to six words? Can the child use sentences joined up with words like ‘because’, ‘or’, ‘and’? Is the child using the future and past tense? Can the child answer simple ‘why’ questions?

Personal, social and emotional development


Children will separate from main carer to come into preschool.



Children will know which adults to go to for help in preschool.


Children will be confident with visitors coming in to the setting.



Children will know how to calm self by taking deep breaths.



Children will be independent in helping with tasks in the room.


Children will show confidence in visiting the local area.

Managing self

Children will know the class routines and rules.


Children will know to wash hands before eating and after using the toilet.


Managing self

Children will know how to tidy up and look after preschool resources.


Children will know to drink water to stay healthy.


Managing self

Children will know examples of healthy food choices.


Children will help plan snack.


Managing self

Children will know why they wash their hands.


Children will know how to brush their teeth.


Managing self

Children will now the difference between healthy and unhealthy foods.


Children will prepare snack.


Managing self

Children will know how exercise can keep them healthy and strong.


Children will independently use the toilet and wash hands.


Building relationships

Children will know how to play alongside each other.

Building relationships

Children will know how to play games with a partner.

Building relationships

Children will be able to take turn in play and share resources in a group.

Building relationships

Children will be able to seek out others to play with.

Building relationships

Children will consider the feelings of others and talk about solving conflict.

Building relationships

Children will know how to listen to others and show kindness towards others.

Observational Checkpoint

Can the child sometimes manage to share or take turns with others, with adult guidance and understanding ‘yours’ and ‘mine’? Can the child settle to some activities for a while? Does the child play alongside others or do they always want to play alone? Does the child take part in pretend play? Does the child take part in other pretend play with different roles? Can the child generally negotiate solutions to conflicts in their play?

Physical Development

Gross motor

Children will know how to ride on a scooter.


Gross motor

Children will know how to kick a ball.

Gross motor

Children will be able to move their bodies in a variety of ways.

Gross motor

Children will know how to balance and hold a pose.

Gross motor

Children will know how to ride on a tricycle.

Gross motor

Children will be able to work in teams for movement activities.

Fine motor

Children will explore large mark making.


Fine motor

Children will use different tools at the dough table.


Fine motor

Children will threads a string of beads or pasta.


Fine motor

Children will be able to make snips in paper using scissors safely.


Fine motor

Children will know how to do the zip on their coat/jacket.

Fine motor

Children will know how to use a tripod (duck beak) pen grip.

Observational Checkpoint

Can children make ‘cross the mid line’ marks on vertical surfaces? Can children move in a range of ways including hopping, climbing and balancing? Can children work in groups/teams? Can children use one-handed scissors? Do children have a comfortable grip when using pens/pencils? Are children independent in self-dressing?



Children will know the logos of supermarkets and familiar restaurants.


Children will read and re-read a selection of books to engage in conversations about the story, develop understanding and learn new vocabulary.



Children will recognise signs in the community such as bus stop, train station, car park.


Children will read and re-read a selection of books to engage in conversations about the story, develop understanding and learn new vocabulary.



Children will know print is use for different reasons by exploring magazines, newspapers and menus.


Children will read and re-read a selection of books to engage in conversations about the story, develop understanding and learn new vocabulary.


Children will know how to turn the pages in a book carefully


Children will read and re-read a selection of books to engage in conversations about the story, develop understanding and learn new vocabulary.




Children will know the names of different parts of a book (author, front cover, title).


Children will read and re-read a selection of books to engage in conversations about the story, develop understanding and learn new vocabulary.



Children will know that in English, we read from top to bottom and from left to right.


Children will read and re-read a selection of books to engage in conversations about the story, develop understanding and learn new vocabulary.


Word reading

Children will be know how to clap syllables in their name by playing the name game.


Word reading

Children will be engage in stories with rhyming words.


Word reading

Children will know familiar words with the same initial sound such as car and cat.


Word reading

Children will be able to spot and suggest a rhyme by playing silly soup.


Word reading

Children will know the initial sound of their name.


Word reading

Children will recognise their name and practice the letter sounds.




Children will be able to draw a horizontal line.


Children will be able to draw a vertical line.


Children will be able to draw a circle.


Children will be able to draw a diagonal line.


Children will be able to draw all pre writing shapes.


Children will write the initial sound in their name.

Observational Checkpoint

Can children identify a range of signs? Do children know how to handle a book and turn pages one at a time? Can children identify rhymes and clap syllables? Can children talk to an adult about a story they have enjoyed? Can children write their name?



Children will rote count to 5.



Children will count in correspondence to 5.





Children will know the total amount of objects up to 5.


Children will show finger numbers up to 5.


Children will rote count to 10


Children will use terms less/more


Children will count in correspondence to 10.


Children will subitise to 2.



Children will recognise numerals 1-10.


Children will subitise to 3.


Numerical patterns

Children will sort by colour and size.


Children will identify a square, circle and triangle.

Numerical patterns

Children will compare big and small.


Children will sequence events in first, then and after.


Numerical patterns

Children will use prepositions under, on top, next to and behind.


Children will match objects that are the same.

Numerical patterns

Children will use language including light, heavy, full and empty.


Children will match objects that are the same.

Numerical patterns

Children will copy a simple AB pattern.


Children will make shape pictures and name 2D shapes.

Numerical patterns

Children will use language of tall, short and long.


Children will notice patterns in their environment.

Observational Checkpoint

Can children subitise to 3? Can children count in correspondence to 5? Can children rote count beyond 5? Can children compare quantities? Can children talk about 2D and 3D shapes? Can s=children use positional language? Can children select shapes appropriately? Can children create a repeating pattern?

Understanding the World

People, cultures and communities

Children will know about their family and the families of others.


People, cultures and communities

Children will know people celebrate Diwali and celebrate Christmas.

People, cultures and communities

Children will know about countries in the world.



People, cultures and communities

Children will know some people celebrate Easter.



People, cultures and communities

Children will recognise the England flag and learn about other flags.



People, cultures and communities

Children will talk about differences and similarities in people.



Past and present

Children will find out about Autumn and what seasons come before and after.


Past and present

Children will find out about Remembrance Day and Bonfire Night

Past and present

Children will find out about Lunar New Year, year of the Dragon.


Past and present

Children will find out about Spring and know that other seasons come before and after.


Past and present

Children will find out about St. George’s Day.


Past and present

Children will understand that they will leave preschool to go to ‘big school’.


The Natural World

Children will learn about different fruits and vegetables for Harvest Festival.

The Natural World

Children will know about colours in nature and complete a scavenger hunt.

The Natural World

Children will know how materials change while cooking or baking.

The Natural World

Children will make collections of materials to learn about them.


Children will investigate shadows.

The Natural World

Children will plant a variety of seeds to grow.


Children will learn about the life cycle of a butterfly.

The Natural World

Children will explore forces: floating and sinking, magnets.


Observational Checkpoint

Can children use their senses to explore? Can children make sense of their own life story and family history? Can children understand the key features of a lifecycle? Do children show an interest in different occupations? Can children talk about differences between materials? Can children talk about different countries in the world?

Expressive Arts and Design

Being imaginative

Children will know the songs on the choosing board.


Children will follow simple rhythms using tap sticks.


Being imaginative

Children will know the songs on the choosing board.


Children will follow simple dance moves and actions.


Being imaginative

Children will know the songs on the choosing board.


Children will make up simple stories with small world animals and characters.

Being imaginative

Children will know the songs on the choosing board.


Children will engage in role play outside.




Being imaginative

Children will know the songs on the choosing board.


Children will dance to different types of music.




Being imaginative

Children will know the songs on the choosing board.


Children will play a range of instruments to express feelings.



Creating with materials

Children will explore mark making with different medium.


Children will draw self-portraits.

Creating with materials

Children will use different materials to make collages.


Children will create poppy paintings.

Creating with materials

Children will explore painting with a range of tools.


Children will explore colour mixing.

Creating with materials

Children will make models using recycled materials.


Children will make still life flower artwork.

Creating with materials

Children will explore painting on a range of surfaces.


Children will learn about Van Gogh ‘Sunflowers’

Creating with materials

Children will explore different painting techniques.


Children will draw self-portraits.

Observational Checkpoint

Can children take part in pretend play? Can children create using different materials? Can children develop their own creative ideas by drawing and painting? Can children perform a range of songs? Can children play instruments to express their own ideas?